it has been an incredibly long time
I haven't written in ten months and it is pretty safe to say that it is simply because I have been super busy for exactly ten months. I am still busy, but I realised that I have to make an effort to never neglect the things I enjoy doing. however a ton of things have happened:
1. My grandfather died- he had cancer. I actually sat in on his surgery and saw the tumour. It was the size of a golf ball. From that moment I knew he didn't have a chance. He went quite peacefully. Ofcourse my grandma is now a royal pain and I already couldn't stand her and now I stand her even less.
2. I'm getting married- Im getting married in November, the preparations are practically finished and Im happy to have them out of the way. Preparing for a wedding is a right hassle, there is no fun in it. When I went to the caterer it was hilarious, they actually show u every food item you are ordering on the computer as a slideshow. for example: "and so you ordered cheese puffs..."
me: Yes.
"Well these are them..." turning computer screen towards me.
me: Yes. Good.
I mean what am I supposed to say? Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Cheeeeeeeeeeese puffs. Heavenly. Amazing.
However I can write an entire blog on getting married so I'll stop at the cheese puffs of awe and wonder.
3. I still work at endoscopy and i pretty much fit in now. Ofcourse it doesn't mean that my colleagues don't make fun of me, they do, a lot, but we make fun of everyone, so i guess its ok. We will be moving to the new hospital on Nov.5th...i wonder whats in store for me there.
ofcourse loads of hilarious things have happened and not so hilarious things have happened. And even though i have been absent for a little while, life still went on. And thats the funny thing about nurse life...come rain or shine, day or night, life as a nurse goes on. There are never any regularly stipulated holidays...some nurse somewhere will always be nursing.