nurse life

Friday, December 23, 2005

I hate christmas in my house.

so, my mother is acting like a psychopathic freak because on xmas day my gran is coming for lunch, ie her mother in law. therefore she brings everyone down and nags,nags,NAGS until you want to scream "SHUT UP BITCH! YOU ARE GETTING ON MY LAST NERVE! SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!"

At the moment I am in a Wizard of Oz phase, i watched the original 2 days ago (and loved it loads as an adult) and today i tried to watch return to oz, the disney sequel based on Baum's Ozma of Oz. Well, it was fabulous when i was finally able to watch it, which was at 3 in the afternoon because my mum wouldnt shut up. i waited until she was having an afternoon nap. every time i tried to press play to continue watching this morning, she would come into the living room and squawk about...well, basically nothing at all, just to hear the sound of her own voice i guess. it irritated me so much. nothing irritates me more than when people talk while i am trying to watch tv or some dvd...haqalla, go in another room, selfish bitch! if i am watching a movie, i dont like to be disturbed, the sky could be falling, the apocalypse could be near, just let me watch my fucking movie!

she was bugging us so much, that my bro, dad and myself ran out of the house, hardly telling her good-bye. this was 11.30. we came back at 3.45, she was asleep so she couldn't irritate us. this is becoming insane. Actually, that ship has sailed....this IS insane!

well, on a funnier note, ysterday i had to take care of an indian patient and he was the sweetest, most quiet guy i ever met. while taking him for an ultrasound, i accidentally crashed into the wall and when i apologised he said "Oh, don't worry, little nursie! I know you didnt do it on purpose!" however, that was only mistake number one. instead of his temperature being 100.4 i read it as 104. that was mistake number 2, and i apologised and he was very good natured about it. then i went to set up his IV drip. He said:

"Oki, little nursie, u make mistake with temperature, and thats fine. you crash into wall with me, and that's fine too. just don't make mistakes with my veins!"

"dont worry hon, i wont, i wont."

lol. i love my work.


At Friday, December 23, 2005, Blogger gybexi said...

erm... merry xmas? :P


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