nurse life

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

What's new pussy cat?

I have not written in simply ages because I have been monstrously busy with my thesis. I was leading the pack and now I'm at the bottom of the barrel, but I'm creeping up...just one chapter left!!

Well, since I always cover my distress with humour, and since I am a little pressed for time, I will share something funny about my patients.

Would you believe none of them refer to their private parts as a penis or vagina? They have all sorts of names. Since I am doing the data analysis for my thesis, I have decided to group them and list them:

  1. Il-figorin
  2. L-anglu
  3. Il-paccoccu
  4. Il-pastizz
  5. Il-farfett
  6. Il-pussikat
  7. Il-parti


  1. Il-kukku
  2. Il-pitiross
  3. Gismi
  4. L-ghasfur
  5. Ir-re
  6. Il-king
  7. Il-firrillu
  8. Il-parti

So, blog fans, I hope this will suffice until I'm a little less busy! Much love one and all!


At Wednesday, March 29, 2006, Blogger gybexi said...

the lists could go on and on and on forever actually... :)

At Thursday, March 30, 2006, Blogger Antoine Cassar said...

Thanks for these lists, Pica!!

Ħasra li d-dizzjunarju ta' Malti baxx m'għadux magħna...

At Friday, March 31, 2006, Blogger Antoine Cassar said...

Pica, għamilt naqra "riċerka" u kont se nikteb il-listi hawnhekk, imma peress li twalu qegħidthom fuq il-blogg tiegħi.

Il-kollegament huwa

Interessanti ħafna din, hemm bosta ismijiet li ma kontx nafhom... grazzi.

At Friday, March 31, 2006, Blogger david said...

You'll be pleased to note that Germaine Greer was on the BBC's brilliant Balderdash and Piffle the other day discussing the 'c' word and why women avoid using it...

Balderdash & Piffle
Mon 30 Jan, 9:00 pm - 9:50 pm 50mins

Investigating some of the most interesting of the 46,905 'C' words in the Oxford English Dictionary.

Jerry Hall trawls the cocktail bars of America to try to get to the bottom of the word 'cocktail' - a sophisticated drink with an inelegant name.

Germaine Greer considers the most controversial 'c' word and asks how an old word with an impeccable pedigree became the most offensive expletive in the English language. In the 1970s Greer tried to reclaim it as a term that should be used freely. Now she's having second thoughts but can't come up with a better word for something the English language needs to describe.

At Saturday, April 01, 2006, Blogger princess buttercup said...

When we did the Vagina Monolouges here, one of the 'sketches' involved getting the whole audience to say 'the most controversial c word'.

The other actresses and I decided to get the audience to say it a la panto (all the people on the left first, then centre and right) - what a blast hehehe! We even got my mum (who says 'sugar' rather then swear) to say it when she was in the audience!

At Saturday, April 01, 2006, Blogger nurse pica said...

heheh...its amazing how we all respond to what we know best...our bodies and how we refer to them!

At Sunday, April 02, 2006, Blogger Giselle said...

Il-king? I bet its those men with a small one who call it that! hehe


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