nurse life

Thursday, March 16, 2006


And I mean this literally. All nurses out there, take good care of your back!

This week, I got out of bed with this tremendous pain in my lower back. I said I'd be a hero and go to school the day went on, the pain got worse and worse. I couldn't walk, only hobble like an old lady! I actually started going dizzy with pain, which was odd because I have an extremely high tolerance to pain. I couldn't even joke with my friends, I felt so out of it.

I thought that was that. I went home and to the doctor. He said I have nerve damage from all the lifting that goes on in hospital. I had to stay home for three days and rest.

Now I am a little better. But a warning to all nurses and students: don't try to be superman or wonderwoman! If the patient is big and heavy, don't even attempt to bathe them or lift them on your own...hell, even if the patient is underweight, don't strain to take care of her/him. Call for help or else end up like me...hobbling, requiring help to sit down and stand up and not even able to pick up my cat!

Much love everybody and most of all TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELVES!


At Thursday, March 16, 2006, Blogger Coemgen said...

I know the feeling dear! It cost me 45 days on sick leave, a month of which was spent in bed. I couldn't do anything other than breathe without getting a sharp shot of excruciating pain travelling all the way from my buttocks to my shoulder blades. This despite the handful cocktail of tablets I was swallowing daily.

REST, REST, REST. Rest until you're fully recovered. It's the only answer now.

At Friday, March 17, 2006, Blogger FOUR DINNERS said...

You've got a cat = you're ok.

Ta for the comment on mine...

At Wednesday, March 22, 2006, Blogger Erezija said...

at first glance i thought 'much love' was 'make love' and it crossed my mind that perhaps that was the reason for your back ache.


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