nurse life

Monday, July 18, 2005

Save the gory details...

Today I was thrown with the severe crazies...the funny type, the uninhibited type, the kitten-eating type.

Incident number one:
there was this one patient who was particularly feisty. she also had a really foul mouth. Really disgustingly foul.
So when another patient sat in her usual chair, she obviously did not take it lightly.

"HAQQ ALLA! FOXX KEMM GHANDEK! QUM MINN HEMM! ISSAAAAAAAAAAAAA! HAQQ OXXOK! HAQQ RAS-IL MADONNA!" she then lifted her dress up, and started hitting her genitalia and said: "GHAX INDAHHLEK HAWN GEW, U MA TOHROGX!!!!"

Incident number two:
This other old woman came up to me and my friend, asking us to do her make-up. when we finished she told us "ghax gej ir-ragel"

me: ehe? prosit!
my friend (in a jokey tone): oqoghod bil-ghaqal, eh!!
old lady: u leee, ahna ma naghmlu xejn...
my friend: heheheheh!
old lady:...ghax tieghi kbir wisq u tieghu zghir, u peress li ghandi zaqqi kbir u jaghti kollox, iddahhaluli minn wara!
me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(my friend gives me a horrified glare. I laugh harder and choke on my diet coke. Then crazy lady laughs very hard and throws up lunch.)

Sigh. I just love my work.


At Wednesday, July 20, 2005, Blogger Immanuel Mifsud said...

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At Wednesday, July 20, 2005, Blogger Immanuel Mifsud said...

Raising the skirt and exposing the genitalia is an old, very old, form of cursing. In the Middle Ages it was considered to be the perfect way how to scare the devil and the evil spirits. Even before that, in the first century CE, Pliny the historian noted how hailstorms, whirlwinds and lightning were tamed at the sight of exposed women's genitalia. Backed by Plutarch, Pliny also recorded how heroes and gods fled shit scared at the sight of exposed vaginas. And even in Africa women 'used' their genitalia to cast away the evil spirits and to scare away 'foul men'. The incident you recorded in this blog - the first one - reminded me of all this. Maybe it's yet another case for the theory of the collective unconscious and the archtype.


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