nurse life

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

some facts about moi!

well, since there is more to me than simply being a nurse, i decided to steal one of these fact thingies from my bro's blog. enjoy your new found info about moi! woo hoo!

1. mum wanted to call me gloria, my dad colette but then my mum wanted mary and my dad thought that was low-class so they went with Marie.

2. Your Nickname: Pica or Nurse Pica. I gave myself this nick because i was on a forum and i called myself picadillycircus, so pica for short.

3. Middle Name: Yvonne. my sister is named yvonne and my grandma is named yvonne. there's no originality in the world.

4. Place of Birth: Winnipeg, Manitoba. I was such a cute baby that i was used as a model for the new mums on how to bathe a baby! yes, my big bum is famous!

.5. Zodiac Sign: Pisces

6. Male or Female: female.

7. Age:21. if i remained in canada i'd still be having my very first taste of alcohol!

.8. School: Sacred heart. didnt like it.

9. Birthday: March 12th.

10. Residence: Malta. Sometimes its cool, sometimes infuriating.

11. Screen Name: Nurse Pica.

__Your Appearance___

12. Hair Color: brown, like shit.

13. Hair Long or Short: long-ish, curly/unruly

14. Eye Color: brown, like shit

15. How do ur nails look:long with chipped lilac nail polish.

16. Height: 5'5"

17. Do you have a crush on someone: yes, my man :)

18. Do you like yourself: yes. but sometimes i dont...but those times are rare.

19. Smile: I feel pretty when i do...and thats all the time!

20. Think your skinny: Nope, i have a big butt...but im not fat.

21. Piercings: both ears and an extra one on my right lobe. i'd love to pierce my nose, but i heard it becomes hell when u get a cold.

22. Tattoos:I like them, but they r a bit too permanent. not to mention, im afraid of hepatitis from the needles, not to mention HIV

23. Righty or Lefty: righty.

___Your 'Firsts'___

24. First Kiss: a boy named Tommy outside the window of an accounts class at junior college. i was 16. it felt horrible, like a washing machine. there were his friends looking out the window, shouting things like "Go on! suck her dry!" and "How do her tonsils taste?"
25. First love: it was a boy in 6th form...his name was maurice. now i cant for the life of me think about what i saw in him. he was different back then. i was different back then...
26. First best friend(s): a v nice girl named Jenna bk in canada. i wonder what ever happened to her.
28. First Sport: Gymnastics...and i was pretty darn good too.
29. First pet: A whisky the golden labradour. he was cute, but lord was he stupid!
30. First vacation: Malta. got very burnt at the beach.
31. First Concert: Local band.shostackovich's nightmare at labrynth in may 2000.
___ Favorites___

33. Movie: Big fish. or dirty pretty things. i love movies.
34. TV Show: Scrubs. Frasier. Gray's anatomy.
35 Color: Green
36. Band/Singer: Cyndi Lauper, divine comedy, belle and sebastian
37. Song: belle and sebastain's I must be dreaming
38. Food: I love food. chinese, lebanese, indian,italian,vegetables...there is v little i dont is not a favourite or organ meats bleurghies!
39. Drink: Martini bianco with lemonade
.40. Candy: aero mint. i love mint choc combinations. wispa mint is lovely too.
41. Sport To Play: i like long distance running
.43. Brand Of Clothing: MArks and Spencer, dorothy perkins, zara,bershka, miss selfrige..any shop that caters for big butts!
45. University: institute of health care! final year! woo hoo!
46. Animal:cats. My Elsa in particular.
47. Books: catcher in the rye changed my life. but there are loads of books i like.
48. Magazines: cosmopolitan

49. Eating:nothing.
50. Drinking: water
51. Money in pocket?: none
52. Online?: always
.53. Listening to: Jem-They. my man met her sister.
54. Thinking About:going to the gym
.55. Wanting to: finish my thesis
.56. Watching: my mobile for msges
57. Wearing: green cords and a light green t-shirt

_Your Future_

58. Want Kids?: YES...but sometimes i worry that i wont be able to afford them.
59. Want to Get Married?:eventually
60. Careers in Mind: Feasable career: stoma Nurse with a PhD. Dream:to be an actress

__Which is Better With The Opposite Sex___

61. Light or Dark hair: doesnt make a difference
62. Light or Dark eyes: dont mind
63. Lover or Fighter? both...i need a challenge
.67. Cute or Sexy: if i like the guy, he is automatically both
68. Lips or Eyes: personality.
69. Hugs or Kisses: both
70. Short or Tall: taller than me.
71. Easygoing or serious: both. i like serious.
72. Romantic or Spontaneous: romantic
73. Muscular or Skinny: cuddly like winnie the pooh
74. Sensitive or Loud:sensitive and talkative.
75. Hook-up or Relationship: Relationship. i had a different guy for every month of the year in 2004. even when i went abroad i hooked up with someone. when i came back i decided i had enough and i got with my current bf. so far its been 1yr 3 months.
76. Sweet or Caring: he's both.

___Have You Ever___

78. Kissed a Stranger:more often than not
79. Drank Bubbles: No
80. Lost glasses/contacts: Never.i dont have either
81. Ran Away From Home:Nope...but was often tempted to.
82. Broken a Bone: a small one in my ankle when i was 12.
83. Got an X-ray: yep,that time when i was 12.
84. Broken Someones Heart: Im not sure.
85. Broke Up With Someone: yes
87. Cried When Someone Died: My Uncle in 2003. I saw my mum cry and couldnt take it.

___Do You Believe In___

89. God: definitely.
90. Miracles: yes
91. Love At First Sight: No, absolutely not.
92. Ghosts: No
93. Aliens: no
95. Heaven: yes
96. Hell: Yes
98. Kissing on The First Date: ofcourse
99. Horoscopes: they r fun to read, but i forget them as soon as i turn the page/close the window

___Answer Truthfully___
100. Is There Someone You Want? oh man.


At Friday, November 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wouldn't fuck you if you begged me to, you fat bitch.

At Friday, November 18, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm gonna shit on your cunt salad, beeyatch.

At Friday, November 18, 2005, Blogger nurse pica said...

ok...some repressed freudian feelings here, ic.cowardly feelings too, might i add because you both chose to remain anonymous.


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