nurse life

Sunday, October 09, 2005


after a hard day atthe ward, this loveable creature comes to greet me! this little cat is 12 yrs old, which is very apt since i only ever really get to deal with old women. elsa is my little old lady, my pal and my confident.

Some funny things that have happened to elsa:

1. my friend asked to marry her
2. she coughs up fur balls so large that they resemble lakes
3.she ate my father's garlic plant and whenever she would utter a "meow" she would emit the most foul smelling breath imaginable.
4. she once caught a bird and set it at my feet (it was still alive)
5. she sleeps on my nurse uniform and i go around hospital all day with furry bits all over my tunic
6. she has a beard

well, that's elsa for ya!


At Sunday, October 09, 2005, Blogger gybexi said...

she ate my father's garlic plant and whenever she would utter a "meow" she would emit the most foul smelling breath imaginable.

hahahaha :)


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